Friday, December 6, 2013

Gift Guide Featured

I'm somewhat giddy (if one can be only somewhat giddy . . .) with excitement today.  One of my pieces was chosen to be included in the Washington Post Express Gift Guide with a focus on all things local!  

It, and other similar works, can be found at Society Hill Designs inside Stifel and Capra.
Link to the online print edition from today here!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Just Desserts

Happy Thanksgiving!  
A little late . . . so, a picture of yummy (store-bought) desserts on a (handmade) dish.

Small Business Saturday - lots of exciting things happening at Society Hill Designs inside Stifel & Capra this weekend!  I'll be there in the morning, working - and shopping!  Hope to see you out.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Setting Sale

I spent some of the last hours of today setting up my table for the ceramics sale that is part of the ArtfĂȘte Weekend 2013.  After a few resets, and a little help from a very dear 5 year old (thank you sweets!), it's all done.  

Full (half) Table

Detail wheel thrown pieces
Detail hand-built small pieces

It's quite funny how much I fret over it, all the while knowing that everything will - hopefully - get picked up and turned around and maybe even taken away before I come back for the fun tomorrow night.    

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's a Party!

ArtfĂȘte Weekend 2013 is THIS weekend, November 22-24!  It's a big deal - Open House, Holiday Party, Ceramics Sale & Jewelry Sale all at The Art League’s Madison Annex, 305 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA.  I'll have some works for sale (pictures tomorrow!) and will be excited to see the final transformation of the studio and all of the other works at the party Friday night.  The ceramics sale is all weekend, starting mid-day Friday and going through Sunday afternoon.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's (An) Elementary

Craft Sale . . .  I'm starting to get excited about a few upcoming shows this year.  The first one is NEXT week!  And, it's at our elementary school - very cool!  More information on it and other news soon.

Island Creek Elementary School
7855 Morning View Lane
Alexandria, VA 22315

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What's New?

Well, quite a lot actually.  I'm playing with a new logo - see left - and while I'm not sure it's final, I think it's at least close.  It's been a wonderfully busy weekend.  I added a bunch of new pieces at Society Hill today.  If you are local, they are in a great co-op of shops in Falls Church, VA.

I'll post some more details in the coming week but I'm also doing a local show & sale next weekend at Nalls, my favourite produce and garden center in Alexandria, VA.  The Nalls Fourth Annual Nice Neighbor Block Party is September 7 from 11-5.  It would be great to see some of you there!  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Biggering (in a good way)

Biggering . . . which is a weird word, one that I learned from the wonderfully sad but hopeful story of The Lorax but it seems fitting for right now.  Not exactly resolutions this late in the year, but some new goals.

In the studio, I'm working on some larger pieces - and some smaller ones still too, of course.  Some have already made their way to Society Hill. I'm still working in a variety of clay bodies, adding a new one into the mix this week maybe!

And out of it, running, running, and more running - we're back to one organized run per month and increasing the distance (slowly, kilometer by kilometer, mile by mile).  So far, we've done a run in March, April and May with one lined up for June.  Maybe next year we'll start in January - though that really does seem like a resolution, and those seem terribly difficult to keep.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Favourite Choosing

I keep being asked (most frequently by my daughter) about my favourite thing - food, colour, even bug.  And I keep struggling to answer because in most cases I don't have a favourite, I have many.

I am finding the same with clay bodies.  Last year I spent a lot of time working with porcelain and I really enjoy how smooth it is.  And it is so easy to use, especially for hand building and making more delicate pieces.

This year I am also working with a new dark brown clay that is great for wheel throwing.  It is gritty and is especially interesting when gas fired.

I still feel that my work continues to have two fairly distinct styles.  And I think that I may have settled on a favourite clay body for each.  I imagine I will still experiment with others and possibly find another favourite.  You really can never have too many . . . I think?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Case

This is my case (mine, all mine!) at Society Hill.  Such a wonderful treat! 

And it's surrounded by so many beautiful things in the shop.  Christine is an amazing metalsmith who makes beautiful jewelry (which I admit to admiring, and sometimes coveting, each time I'm there).